Lower School Summer Reading

​​Students entering Kindergarten and up participate in summer reading.  Some grades have required books and others have lists of suggestions.  Each student is challenged to read or listen to a number of books over the summer. 

You can find the summer reading lists linked below. Please reach out to Emily Sytsma with any questions about summer reading.

Many local libraries have these titles available! And many libraries have summer reading incentive programs if your child would like the support of a local community of readers to encourage their continued work this summer.  (Here are Hoboken and Jersey City programs.)

Also, many families will trade books or share books to reduce costs, so please reach out to classmates’ families if you would like to make a plan to share them.

Families with students rising into Grades 5-12 receive summer reading bags. Please contact the school if you have not received your summer reading for those grades yet. 

Happy summer reading!