Upper School Overview

At The Hudson School, an upper school student benefits from extraordinary access to faculty and a collaborative learning community with real-life experiences. We believe this approach builds confidence and character.


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If, instead of the answer, you seek the right question, you will have found your answer.

Jack Coggins, Assistant Head of School


Here, students learn to be socially-conscious, contributing members to society. They are sensitive to differences, empathetic and open-minded. We instill intellectual and social values that equip our students to be both lifelong learners and responsive members of the human community.   

Upper School Booklet

Upper School Graduation Requirements

View our 25-26 Upper School Course Catalog here.
4 Years of English
3 Years of Math, including Statistics
4 Years of Physical Education
2 Years of Health 
3 Years of Science
3 Years of History
3 Years of the same World Language
2 Years of Computer Science
Completion of Latin II
2 Years of Music and the Arts, and one music, art, or performing arts elective
2 Years of Electives
1 Year of Senior Seminar
1 Year Personal Finance
20 Hours per year of Community Service